Sending much love wherever you may be on your journey. What an amazing time to be on earth. And with opportunities abounding to not only practice the deeper love and truth of who we are, but to truly live in this truth and in the wonder of it all... As we live in love and wonder, we help the light of our Source shine into and through this world in miraculous ways, helping all of us to continue to awaken to our greater truth...
In the Spirit of sharing the journey, I am happy to share a bit of my perspective on what appears to be "happening" in the world. As always, I encourage all who read my words to listen to your own beautiful heart and knowing, trusting what resonates with you, and letting go of what doesn't - or at least questioning it all with the Voice for Truth/God/Source within you.
There is no "right way" or "one way" to experience this world. And we are all doing the best we can at any moment in time. I am so thankful to have discovered with Spirit, and with the beautiful guidance of angels, dear friends and teachers, and "wisdom of the ages," including that shared in A Course in Miracles, that there is a way of more joy and less pain. More Love and less fear. And because I also believe that whatever we share with others is the world we co-create for ourselves, I am blessed to share from a perspective of "only Love..."
In the words of one of my dearest teachers who continues to share his wisdom and love in the world, Wayne Dyer expressed perfectly, “Fear is a big obstacle in the excuse catalog. A Course in Miracles tells us that there are only two emotions we can experience: love and fear. If we can find our ways to stay in a space of love, then fear is an impossibility.”
With great respect for our minds and compassion for the fear that too often inhabits our minds, "What if... It isn't the coronavirus that is the real problem, but the perpetual state of fear so many in the world are living in. Until we become aware of the real reason for the fear, various viruses, epidemics, pandemics, financial scares, and dis-eases will continue to obstruct the peaceful mind we have each been gifted with. As we learn to protect our minds from fear, our own and others', and return to our mind of God, we naturally return to health, peace, and love..."
The coronavirus pandemic is showing us to ourselves. There are no accidents, and God is only love and only good. Everything is here to help us wake up to the love we are. And, until we heal the source of the real problem, and not only focus on healing the physical pathogen but also the pathogens in our minds, the healing will always be temporary, and the underlying fear will remain, and there will be another "epidemic around the corner," trying to help us wake up to the greater truth. But, at any time we realize that "there must be something else going on," and there must be a gift if we only look for it, we have begun the real healing process and the remembrance of who we truly are.
The pandemic (or “whatever” anyone is currently fearing) is showing us the overwhelming state of fear that much of the world is living in. And that if we continue to ignore the real source of our anxiety and fear, the painful effects will continue to grow. The “virus” is a call (for those who are willing) to awaken the Real Source of healing in our minds.... Our “Christ Mind,” if you will, in which healing is our natural state. Disease (dis-ease) seems to affect the systems within the body, and the light of Source/God within us can affect the healing of absolutely everything. It (the dis-ease or the Healing Light) is never outside of us, though we think it is and often try to convince ourselves and others that it is. The “coronavirus” seems to be “catching up with us," because it is time for us to wake up to our real Self. Or rather, it is time (if we so choose it to be) that we stop living in so much pain and fear, and the belief that we are separate from each other and our One Source. It is time, if we so choose, to wake up to the truth of the love we all are. And that everyone on this earth is our brother or sister. And that we are all here to help each other remember the love we all are. And to come to trust that as you learn to let go of the fear that has been allowed to overtake your mind and allow only the loving thoughts of your Spirit to inhabit your mind again, you will return to the real peace you are, and so will the world.
Once we choose to remember the power within each of us, and we ask for Spirit's help, miracles begin to occur to secure our remembrance and our minds. It is the gift and power of the Source from which we all emanate.
Others' fear can increase our fear or serve as a wake-up call for us to answer their call with love and compassion. And until we help each other heal from fear, we are all susceptible to the ravages of fear. When anyone is in fear or worry, it affects “the whole." And when anyone heals from fear, it heals us all. We are in this together. We see how easily the fear and virus can spread from one to another, but the love and healing can spread at “the speed of Light..." All that is required is a change of mind, which also very literally heals the body. The mind and the body are mutually “inclusive." Medical services might assist some in the healing process, but are not the Real Source of healing. To ensure real and lasting healing, we must allow our minds to heal and return to the love and peace we are. Healing comes from one Source, though in many forms. For some, it is with medical intervention; for others, it is without. For some, it is with holistic practices; for others, it is with prayer and communion with God. For some, it is a combination of many forms. And still, for some, healing comes in the form of the “release of the body," that we often call “death..."
The various healing modalities can become bridges to remembering the perfect love and health we all truly are, but they are not the Source of Real Healing. The coronavirus epidemic can become a way we all become inspired to discover real peace and healing during this global opportunity, if we choose to look at it with curious eyes and an open mind. If we look for the reasons to be fearful, we will find them. And, if we look for gifts, we will find them. The gift in this experience can help us re-awaken to the truth of who we all are.
In 1976, at 50 years old, Louise Hay published her first book, “Heal Your Body." She had discovered and cataloged the (possible) underlying emotional reasons for a variety of illnesses as well as sharing a new thought to help shift the mind from fear to love and ultimately healing the mind and the body. In this book, she explained the possible cause of influenza as: "Response to mass negativity and beliefs. Fear. Belief in statistics." And the corrective thought pattern as, "I am beyond group beliefs or the calendar. I am free from all congestion and influence."
And 44 years later, in 2020, amid the mass negativity and fear, and belief in statistics, influenza has reached such a level that it is categorized as a “pandemic." What has affected the “individual" is undeniably affecting “the whole..." And now we have an opportunity to see that what heals the “individual," heals “the whole..."
To begin to heal not only this current pandemic but the underlying pandemic of fear at the causal level, we must start to look at it all with “new eyes" and perfect, Holy vision. We must find the very root or cause of the problem before we can heal it. We must begin to question our own belief systems, and the belief system much of the world holds, that is the very reason we, and our world , seem to be in a constant state of fear. The belief in disease (dis-ease) rather than the Faith in our Inherent Health and our Divine Source, appears to have overtaken the thought system of the world.
I am not discounting the fact that there are diseases that seem to be causing pain and fear in this world. I am simply pointing out, for those who are ready to see, that “there must be a better way” than the way we have been doing it; and, for those who are ready, to bring our Loving God into every conversation and seeming problem. I am simply pointing out, that besides the coronavirus, there is an already pre-existing condition of fear and separation in the minds of the masses. And, that as we address and heal the underlying cause of the seeming endless problems, Real Healing, of the Mind and body will return. As within, so without….
The global immune system was already significantly compromised and has been filled with fear and anxiety for a very long time. Let’s think about it... Nations are threatening war and attacks of all sorts on each other, and with this pandemic, we see that the apparent attack on everyone is the same: the threat of the coronavirus. It becomes easier to see that with this “viral attack" overwhelming the world, the attack actually comes from within the body, not without. There is no need to kill each other through war and bombs. We are killing ourselves and those we love from within. This pandemic is showing us to ourselves. While anyone is seeking to attack (including blaming and threatening) another, we literally attack ourselves. We are not separate from each other, though it might appear we are. We are not separate from each other within a family, a state, a country, or the world. And this isn't “just philosophy." This is real. And until we look at the very real reason we are experiencing this pandemic at this time in our lives, we can not truly heal - ourselves or the world. Until we also heal our minds, any physical “healing" will be a half-hearted and temporary “fix.” Until another threat/virus/pandemic arrives seemingly “out of the blue...” This pandemic is about so much more than one particular physical virus. It is another wake-up call and a perfect opportunity to begin to repair and heal our minds and hearts. It is calling us to have a Holy relationship with all of humanity.
Each one of us has an opportunity to look within ourselves to discover our role in the fear and dis-eases in the world. And as we accept responsibility for our mistakes, and we do this with love and forgiveness for ourselves, we will have love, forgiveness, and compassion for everyone in this world. We will realize that when any of us are hurtful to another, in thoughts or actions, this is always coming from fear. And as we see fear as a call for love rather than a call for attack/defense, we will indeed begin to heal ourselves and bring a collective “ease” to all of the dis-ease in the world. We will literally be helping to repair the world.
Fred Rogers came out of retirement to host a special program following the 9/11 attacks to help ease the world’s fears and encourage our care and support of each other. In his closing remarks he shared, “We are all called to be ‘Tikkun Olam,’ repairers of creation.”
Tikkun Olam is a term in Judaism to describe “repairing the world.” This is another pivotal time our world is calling for our help. And we are not alone in answering this call for “Tikkun Olam…” In truth, we will only be able to repair the world…together.
May we all be gently and sweetly reminded of the Love and Peace we are and may we have compassion and understanding as we help remind others of the Love and Peace we all are, during this time for our collective healing. No matter what, our minds are always free to love. We are being given a perfect opportunity to live in, reveal, and reflect the Light for all to remember and live from…
May you go forth with angels surrounding you, both heavenly and earthly and be the Light you came here to share… May you be healed and help heal this world. May you know the peace you are and help others in the remembrance of their peace. We can do this and we need you. May you live in the Light of God that is always with and in you, and always available to light your mind, body, and path. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing the journey…
In Love,