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Living the Dream...

We are all “living the dream,” and we have the choice whether we wake up in this dream or not... By dream, I mean the “illusion” that this earthly life, including our bodies and everything physical about us and our relationships, is who we are. It is not.... by a very, very, very long shot. And, I also know that my sharing this will only resonate with those who have already begun to experience this knowing for themselves, or at least, have begun to question who they truly are.  And this is why I’m sharing it. Not to try to convince anyone of anything. I have so very thankfully learned that lesson : ). I am sharing it, just in case, it resonates and can help ease any pain, inviting some to question their old beliefs and thoughts that are causing their pain, and encouraging their return to Peace. My choosing to share also comes from my thankfulness that others shared their understanding of this life, and when the time came that I was open to hearing it, it saved my life... or at least, this life in which I am living the dream...  

Interestingly, when you awaken in the dream of this life, you also let go of any fear of death, as you remember that there is no death, save the “death of the body,” which isn’t the Real You anyway... You do however, remember that you chose to come into this world, not to “obtain the ‘success’ in the form many try to convince you of, but for JOY, and to live in this world, while remembering you are not “of this world,” which changes EVERYTHING...

I have kept a dream journal for years as I have learned that it is often easier for Spirit to communicate with us during our “sleeping dreams” rather than our “waking dreams.” I had one of those “sleeping dreams” that you just know is trying to reach you with a very important message if only you choose to listen. This was a “really bad dream” that felt painful and scary to me. You know, the kind when you wake up and realize, with a great sigh of relief, that you were “only dreaming.” This was one of those bad dreams wherein I felt the great relief upon waking and remembering it was “only a dream.” I was so tired after waking, that I proceeded to fall back to sleep - and right back into the bad dream. Again I awoke, and again was truly relieved I had “just been dreaming.” Still tired, I fell back to sleep (I know, right??!!)  and again, back into the same “bad dream.” This time however, I realized while in the dream, that I had fallen back to sleep. I also understood that I was dreaming. I decided to wake up from it - and not fall back to sleep. And I did. I made myself wake up, though I was still exhausted. This time, my thankfulness was not only for the relief from the pain of the dream, but also for the knowing I now had that I will choose to wake up completely to all dreams - waking and sleeping...  

I understood so clearly that the great pain I experienced in my dream felt just as real as any fear and pain I have felt in my “waking hours.” I also realized the only difference from the pain and fear felt during my “sleeping and waking dreams” was that, when I woke up from the sleeping dream I was able to let it go as I knew it wasn’t real.  A Course in Miracles teaches us that the same realization can come to our “waking dreams” in this life. It doesn’t say that the pain we experience while in this dream doesn’t feel very real, because it does.  But, it does remind us that this life is but a dream state, and when we choose to awaken in this dream, we can just as simply realize that our  “waking dreams and nightmares” are not “real” either - and that we have the power - with the Holy Spirit - to wake up in this dream and let the pain be replaced by forgiveness and love. In other words, we choose to live a happy dream in this world, while remembering we are not “of this world.”  

As we consciously awaken in this dream, we co-create with God the space where miracles occur in this world, returning all to Peace. When we choose to re-mind ourselves that only Love is real, we can let the dreams of fear and pain dissolve back into the nothingness from where they came.  And we can walk in this world with forgiveness and an understanding of “sleep and dream states” rather than others' “wrongness.”  When we awaken and walk through this world “in light” again, we naturally remind others of their light,  helping them to gently awaken from their dreams of fear and pain.  

Please also know that either way, you can’t get it “wrong...” Waking up in the dream is a choice.  There isn’t a right or wrong way.  I have discovered however, that there is a way that is of Love and Peace and a way that is fraught with pain and fear. To be or not to be awake in the illusion is your choice. You ALWAYS have a choice.  And, we make the choice in every.single.moment. It takes practice either way. We either practice choosing fear and staying asleep or we practice waking up and choosing Love. And when you choose to wake up in Love, simply with the thought and willingness to “awaken,” you are never alone. The Holy Spirit always lights your way and your mind, creating the space for miracle upon miracle...

Please don’t take my word for any of this. Ask yourself, or rather God Who is within you, your Self, and listen and know what is True for you. And then trust what feels true to you. If it feels like Love, Joy or Peace, you will know it is True...

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